I always think that you are allowed to do and wear whatever you want. Sometimes I hear people saying that wearing make-up is really weird. I mean, why would you ‘waste’ your time to this? I have a really good reason to wear make-up and that’s where I am going to talk about today.
Wearing make-up
To be honest, I just feel better when I wear make-up. I don’t wear much make-up, but just that little make-up makes me more like a woman and just more confident. Why would people need to give critique on something, where I feel good with? I mean, I don’t force someone to wear make-up. Just wear something you really like!
Now when I am older, I don’t hear many things about wearing make-up anymore, but I know that I got the a remark, because I was wearing lipstick. Comments about what someone wears isn’t really normal. For example, when someone wants to wear black lipstick, why do you need to comment about that? I understand that you just don’t like something, I don’t like all things as well. But it is not that hard to just keep your own opinion for yourself.
The same counts for blogging. Why would you even waste your time to give mean critique to others. Giving feedback is nice of course, that sometimes helps. On Reddit I searched for Feedback threads for blogs. Next I saw a Reddit user only giving mean critique to others. I understand that critique sometimes helps, but just give normal critique then.
Imagine, someone has made an eyelook or an outfitpost with bright colours and you don’t really like this. Then you are not going to post really mean and painful comments on the blogpost right?
Do what you want and don’t let you stop by others!
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