We all heard of Yoast Seo and CommentLuc. These are amazing plugins, but everyone knows them. Today I put all the plugins on a row, where people didn’t hear about already, but what are real pearls.
ZigWidgetClass. For a long time, I was searching for a plugin which can hide some things on the mobile version of my blog. I wanted to hide the three pictures of my blog on my mobile version, because it was really ugly under each other. I couldn’t find a plugin for this and I finally chose for another solution. After a while I found this plugin and now I use him for my sidebar. If you read this article on your phone, you can see some widgets which I normally have in my sidebar, can not be seen on the mobile version. You do this by adding a class to your widget. When you add the class ‘hide_on_mobile’, then you can hide certain widgets on your phone. You can hide things on your pc as well.
NextGEN Gallery. I always try to keep my blog as personal as possible. With this plugin I can add some of my favourite quotes to my sidebar.
Scroll Back to Top. You always need to think like, readers are lazy. Try to make it as easy as possible. With this plugin you can add an arrow at the left or the right side, so the reader only needs to press this to scroll up. You can add your own colour to this arrow. Your readers don’t have to scroll all the way(!) up and only have to press a button.
Any Mobile Theme Switcher. When you have a responsive theme, but also when you don’t have one, then this plugin is perfect. With this plugin you can add a separate theme as a mobile theme. Aren’t you a fan of the mobile theme of your current theme? Then you can add another theme as a mobile theme with this plugin. I don’t use this plugin like this. The mobile theme of my current theme looked really weird on my phone. With this plugin I made a separate theme and he looks way better now.
Mailpoet Newsletters. I am lazy. Sometimes I prefer to spend my time to other things, instead of promoting my articles. This plugin makes automatic a newsletter of your articles, without you having to do something for this. Of course, you need to add some things, but only once. Your newsletter will look amazing after this. You can change everything you want, so it’s not an ugly newsletter.
qTranslate-X. I see a lot of bloggers blogging in English and Dutch. I do this as well, but I do this on another way. With this plugin you can switch to the English version of your blog. Everything on your blog will be shown in English and not only the Dutch and the English translation of a blogpost under each other.
upPrev. This plugin is really good for linking another article. With this plugin you can show a little pop-up on the left or right corner of our blog with your last article. Your readers can click to go to another article very fast, without a pop-up getting really annoying.
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