I am now in 5vwo and that means I can’t sit on my lazy ass. I need to do so much and I sometimes have to hand in my holidays for school. I don’t agree with this and to be honest, I get so tired because of this. Sometimes the study pressure is way too high. Not only for me, but for everyone.
I totally understand that you can’t sit on your lazy ass in 5vwo. This is just impossible and almost nobody can do this. Still, I don’t understand the study pressure. For example, I have holidays now and I need to hand in my whole holiday for school. I have a test week after this holiday where I need to make a lot of exam tests. I am allowed to re-do just one. It is almost impossible to get a good grade for all these tests and also enjoy my holidays. I am studying from the early mornings until the evening and I am not done yet. Seven chapter for history (with each 5 or 6 sections!), three books for Philosophy and more.
Ten tests which I can’t make without studying. They say that it is not that much work, because you already learnt about it, but that is not the case. You need to repeat every thing and you can’t make a test without studying. Some teachers make the tests extremely difficult as well. Nine of ten times I don’t even have test about the stuff you needed to learn and then you have learned every thing for nothing.
It is not that I can’t handle 5wo, that’s definitely not the case. Only a bit of a break would be really nice. To finish 5vwo I really have to hand in my spare time and holidays, because otherwise it is almost impossible. It is really important to focus on my goal and not think about the hours I need to hand in. I hope I can blog more soon and I hope I can enjoy the other things around me. Now I can’t do that.
How is this at your school? Do you have a bit of spare time?
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