You probably know the hype Pokemon Go. Addicting and much fun.. It’s vacation of course and that means that I go shopping many times. I’ve bought a really pretty pair of shoes and that’s the reason why it’s time for some new outfit photos with some information about my Pokemon Go addiction.
Casual giving the flowers some water.. On this photo you can see my new shoes already.
Here I am searching for pokemons *cough*. The last time I’m so addicted to Pokemon Go and I’m definitely not the only one. Instead of gaming inside the whole time, I go outside. I’m not level nine, not that high of course. I’m really curious if you guys play this game as well. So yes, what level are you and what’s your favourite pokemon?
My new shoes! I’ve bought these shoes at the Bershka for only thirteen euros. I think Bershka is amazing in the sale, but also without sale. Althought in the sale there are a lot of nice prices, like these shoes as you can see.
Pretend this is a real bird.. Don’t ask me what I wear doing here, order from the photographer. 😉
- Shirt: Bershka – Don’t know the price
- Pants: Vero Moda – €12.95
- Shoes: Bershka – €13
This look is so far one of my favourite summer looks. Unfortunately it’s not beautiful weather in Holland that much, but when it is nice weather (like these beautiful days), then I will wear this look another time.
What do you think of these (amazing!) shoes and outfit? And how is your Pokemon Go addiction?
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