For a long time, I was searing to a nice handbag. It is a bit safer than a backpack and actually really handy as well. With a handbag, you don’t need to put your backpack on your back and you have all your books, money and other documents ready. A handbag is also uncluttered and has a lot of pockets as well. I finally got a really nice and beautiful handbag. A Burkely handbag.
Burkely handbag
This is the handbag I am talking about. A beautiful handbag from Burkely. The bag is made from real leather and it is perfect for school, but also perfect to bring to work. If I am going to school then I need to take six to eight books, but I don’t recommend to put so many books in your bag. I don’t even think that will fit. Still, a laptop of 15 inch fits in this bag and you can close this pocket with velcro. So, extra safe!
You can also put smaller laptops in this pocket, but that is by default. This bag from Duifhuizen bags & travel contains also a couple other pockets. In the front pockets, you can put things which aren’t really important, like some mints or just some food. Inside the bag are also a couple of extra pockets. In these pockets, I put my pouch and my phone.
As you can see on the picture, this bag has a shoulder belt. This is a detachable shoulder band, so if you don’t like it then you can detach it easily. This shoulder band is also adjustable, so for the short people, this shoulder band is perfect as well. Besides that, I think it is very nice that almost every pocket can be closed by a zipper. This way you can take your valuables easily and safely, without you have to be scared that your valuables can get stolen. With many handbags, there isn’t a zipper on the top. I think this is really unhandy and I notice a lot that valuables like documents or other things fall out of that bag. With this bag that’s not the case, fortunately.
A beautiful handbag I don’t notice anything bad about. I would like to if the handles were a bit stronger, but who takes eight or more books in this handbag? Nobody. If I have a busy school day, then I just take my backpack and when I got a calm school day then I just take my beautiful handbag.
What do you think of this beautiful handbag?
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