I love scrubs! A while ago I have tried a couple of coffee scrubs and I was very enthusiastic about this. Today I will test out a tea scrub. Of course, I know that this existed, but I actually never came across this in a store. I came across this tea scrub for dry skin and I needed to test this of course. Also so curious to this tea scrub? Then read this article.
The scrubs
It looks like a coffee scrub and to be honest, I thought this was a coffee scrub. When I smelled it, I was a bit confused. I expected a coffee smell of course and then it suddenly smelled like tea and that was just very surprising. The scrub smells really like tea. Not my favorite smell, but it is not gross or something like that.
It is a package you can close again, so that’s really handy. You can keep it pretty long and you don’t have to worry you throw the scrub on the ground. So, there won’t be any tea scrub on the ground. The package is really pretty of course. On the back are the ingredients and another little story.
The scrub is against the dry skin of course, but then you wonder if it actually works. At my neck, I had a lot of dry skin and after using this scrub, it totally disappears. Removing the dead skin cells goes pretty easily. After using the scrub, all the dry skins disappeared and my harsh skin also disappeared. I didn’t use much scrub, but I think when you want to scrub your whole body, you need to use more scrub. Luckily, the package is pretty big so it takes pretty long until the scrub is all empty.
Green tea, jojoba, honey, raw sugar, sea salt, vitamin E, avocado, castor oil, figs, olive oil.
Yellow Glow
I was a bit in shock when I washed the scrub off my body. The scrub left a yellow glow. I am very white, so that’s why. On a certain moment, I thought I turned into an oempa loempa and I needed to go to a bloggers meeting as well! Luckily, this wasn’t the case. After using the scrub you just need to wash the scrub off with a body wash and then the yellow glow immediately disappears, fortunately! You can use the scrub on your face as well when you have a face wash or something like that. I don’t recommend to scrub your whole face. Sometimes I do this, but to walk around with a yellow glow isn’t my fave thing to do. When you are in a hurry, don’t scrub your whole face, please.
Do you prefer a coffee or tea scrub?
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