You really get happy from this collection. I just don’t like bright colors and I really love beautiful nudes and metallic colors. This collection exists out of those products. Soon I am going to my local drugstore to get a couple of things of this collection. Curious to the Essence Made To Sparkle collection? Then check out this article.
Essence Made To Sparkle
I wanted a beautiful metallic lipgloss for a long time and finally, a budget brand like Essence sells one. I wanted to buy a metallic color at Colourpop, but I was scared it would be very dry on my lips. I really hate dry lips, so that lipgloss from Colourpop would really be a waste of money. I will definitely wait until a blogger publishes a review of this product until I buy it.
I actually like both colors. The upper one is a beautiful nude color, which I really love. You can wear nude colors with everything and they just look super beautiful. The color above is a beautiful Autumn color. A beautiful dark red color which I really want to have in my stash.
Nail polish
I actually barely wear nail polish, because I am just too lazy for that. For this color, I make an exception. This color is super beautiful and I am just in love with rose gold colors.
Highlighter eye pen
I am now using a white pencil in my eye corners, but this highlighter eye pen is actually perfect for that. This highlighter is perfect for my daily eye look and I actually want to get it.
Rose gold eyeliner 
I actually don’t use eyeliner, but wow how beautiful is this eyeliner? This is perfect for Christmas and I just need it. This eyeliner is on the top of my wish list. It would love beautiful with my eyeshadow from Colourpop called Koosh.
To be honest, I’ve never heard of glow drops. I am super curious to this, so I really want to buy it. I don’t exactly know what glow drops do, but I guess it will glow up my face.
The whole collection
This collection is so beautiful. The colors are amazing I want to buy a lot of things from this collection. I am super curious about the prices and I hope these aren’t too high. Essence is a budget brand of course, so I don’t expect high prices. You can buy this collection in the store in November 2017.
What do you think of the Essence Made To Sparkle collection?
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