You know it, being clumsy while doing your make-up. Well I recognize this.. I’m all day clumsy. When you are clumsy, then you will definitely recognize yourself in these moments.
I think eyeliner is the most hated make-up product between our make-up users. Does your hand shake a little bit? Then you immediately slip. We didn’t talk about the fact that eyeliner has a natural habit to stab me in the eye. After that you blink really hard with your eye and then the eyeliner is like everywhere.
Mascara and sneezing
Talking about sneezing. Applying mascara isn’t that hard and most of the time this works out well. Except when you need to sneeze. Do your eyelashes look good? Well, then your body decides to sneeze. I think it is not permitted to put on mascara. Well, that thinks my body.
Fingerprints in your foundation
Maybe it is just me. When I apply eyeliner or mascara, then I lean really hard on my cheek. I don’t really have a stable hand and when I don’t do this then the eyeliner is on my for head instead of my eyelid. I push that hard on my cheek, that I have finger prints in my face. Sometimes I don’t notice this and then I look in the mirror after a while.. Hello, finger print.
Uitschieten met lipstick die je er niet af krijgt
Sometimes I think I can apply my lipstick fast, but this is really a bad plan. I slip out very often with my lipstick and then I can’t remove that damn lipstick. Next I try to wipe and dip it of my face, but then it just gets worse. Next I walk with a clown face the whole day or a half day, when you use concealer on the ruined spot. The concealer disappears after a while and then I still walk with a clown face. And yeah.. I’m to lazy to reapply the concealer.
Brushing my teeth, after you applied your lipstick ,
I’m always that girl who does everything in a certain order. I first do my make-up (inclusive lipstick!), before I brush my teeth and do my hair. This is not that handy of course, because when you brush your teeth then you lipstick goes off. There also stays a nice red glow on my toothbrush and a nice red glow on my teeth. I’m not a fan of this.
You probably have experienced these moments. What else did you experience?
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