Today the seventh interview online! Now is the interview with Yvonne from Kidzblogger online. Read fast if you want to know about about this nice blogger.
1. Who are you, how old are you, what are your hobbies etc?
Hi, I’m Yvonne Ufkes and I’m married with Edwin. Together we have three kids (boys) and we live in beautiful Groningen. My hobbies are: Eating, shopping, reading, sport/swimming and go out with the kids.
2. What’s your blog name and how would you describe your blog?
I have two blogs, I´ve started with my beauty blog (, because I am a beautician and cosmetician. And when I was pregnant from our third I wanted to do something else. I first started with writing for a forum and so I started my own blog. Here I write everything what has something to do with beauty, how you can take care of your skin, hair etc. I almost write about eating healthy.
Still I missed something.. I really wanted to write about the nice things I do with the boys. And so I started my second blog a nice family blog…
3. Where do you blog about and how would you describe your niche?
Kids, mum, travel and lifestyle blog. On this blog comes an article online every day. Not only personal stories, but also trips, holidays and travel stories, reviews and nice interviews etc.. Resumed is a trendy blog, where dads and mums can read a lot of information and can read nice stories.
4. How long do you blog?
On my beautyblog almost 5 years and on my kids blog more than two years.
5. What do your friends and family think about your blog?
Some follow me and like it a lot.. But I also have friends who think that I get everything for free and they just don’t get it. But the most people who I care about like it a lot and understand what I do.
6. What do you like the most about blogging?
Writing nice articles and sharing nice news. And what I like the most is the contact with the readers.
7. You are a mum blogger, where do you love to blog about?
My blog is pretty big, I blog about everything, trips, holidays, food, but also about education, tips etc. Everything I like.
8. Would you like to change your blogname and so yes, what’s your new blogname?
No of course not.
9. Would you like to start with YouTube as well?
I have a YouTube channel.
10. If you need to choose for a socialmedia for your blog, what will you choose and why?
Yes, I’m very active on Facebook. Here I get the most of my visitors from. I share everything only one time (in different groups). But on my blog page I share other articles as well, from other bloggers or something out of the news.
What would you like to know more about Yvonne?
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