Today another blog interview online! Today with Eline and Merle, Yes, two girls who run a blog together. What do you want to know about them?
1. Who are you, how old are you, what are your hobbies etc?
We are Eline and Merle and we started a blog together: Girls-Things . We both love nailpolish and nailart. After that, we also love beauty and lifestyle. Our blog is about this. Our hobbies are: bloggen, vloggen and painting our nails.
2. What’s your blog name and how would you describe your blog?
Our blog name is: Girls-Things. We write about beauty, fashion, nailart and lifestyle. Actually all the things what are interesting for us and what comes on our road. We are also active on YouTube (think about blogs, tags). Our blog is not only for girls, but also for guys. We write really about everything (a wide range).
3. Where do you blog about and how would you describe your niche?
About everything what we like and especially beauty, fashion, nailart and lifestyle. A personal (weekly) update comes online every week from Merle and every month a monthly update from Eline. We also write about personal stuff and this is how we show how we are.
4. How long do you blog?
Girls-things started on october 2015. Before that we had another blog. At the end of January we blog one year together, so we blog around 1.5 year.
5. What do your friends and family think about your blog?
They like what we do. They read all our articles and tell this to friends and colleagues.
6. What do you like the most about blogging?
That you can leave your creativity in blogging. You can express yourself and write about the things you like. That others like to read it is amazing. We also learn each other via blogposts.
7. How do you communicate when it is about blogging?
We both live somewhere else. Eline in the west and Merle in the east. We learned each other via the blog earth. We started emailing each other, but we exchanged our numbers very fast and we started apping. This is how we communicate with each other, via app or we e-mail each other things. We saw each other three times. Then we talk a lot and we make videos together. We have the feeling that we know each other very long, but that’s not the deal. Very funny that we have such a good band with each other.
8. Would you like to change your blogname and so yes, what’s your new blogname?
We already changed our blog name once (first our blog name was: beautyandlifestylegirls). Girls-Things sounds a lot better. We are very happy with this name and we won’t change it.
9. Do you sometimes discuss with each other?
In the beginning it was very hard to think about a good logo. Now we have one where we are both satisfied with. We also ask each other about things before we put something online. Sometimes we have a little discussion, but that’s not often. But hé, we need to do that right, so we keep each other sharp and so we get the best result, hihi.
10. Do you use socialmedia often? Yes? How many times a day?
We use Facebook, twitter and instagram to share our blogposts every day. After that you can also find us on bloglovin.
What would you like to know more about Eline and Merle?
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