Krullend haar? Maak deze 6 fouten niet!

Heb je krullen? Dan ben je hier vast en zeker hartstikke blij mee. Om je krullen mooi te houden, moet jij je haar alleen wel op de juiste manier verzorgen. Dit lijkt vanzelfsprekend, maar helaas gaat het geregeld mis. Wij helpen je graag om je krullende haar in de...


Communication and Information Studies | My Study

Communication and Information Studies | My Study

Finally a personal update from me! Two weeks ago, I began with my new study! Currently, I study Communication and Information Studies at the VU. A study which totally suits me and where I can grow a lot with. What does Communication and Information Studies mean? Now,...

Communication Information Studies | About my study choice

Communication Information Studies | About my study choice

Last week I have heard that I graduated and that means that I am allowed to go study at a university next week. I am going to study Communication Information Studies at a university in Amsterdam. I have signed up for it for a while now, but now I can officially say I...

Did I graduate or not?

Did I graduate or not?

You probably know it already. I officialy graduated and now I am allowed to study at the Vrije Universiteit at the study "Communication Information Studies". But how did this go? How have I been called and how did I hear I graduated? In this blog I tell how this day...

The exams are coming!

The exams are coming!

Preparations... Preparations and more preparations. Starting 14 May, I need to make exams almost every day. I want to graduate of course and that's the reason why I am going to blog less and schedule everything. Curious about all the changes? Then read this blog....

7x pictures I am the most proud of

7x pictures I am the most proud of

For my blog, I make a lot of photos, but I am a huge perfectionist. There aren't many photos I am super proud of. Still, there are exactly seven photos I am proud of. Curious about these pictures? Then read this blog. Pictures I am super proud of this eye look. I...

5x tips to study better

5x tips to study better

Studying is hard of course, but you definitely need it to get a nice job. This is why I am going to start with the study communication and information studies at a university in Amsterdam. I have gathered a couple of tips how you can study better. I am also going to...

My blog goals for 2018

My blog goals for 2018

2018 has finally started and that's why I need some blog goals. I think it is very nice to look back at these goals at the end of the year and it is definitely a big recommendation to do that. Curious about my goals for 2018? Then read this blog. Instagram This year I...

Help! | Exam year, blog and more

Help! | Exam year, blog and more

The new year has finally started. For me, that's my exam year. A year full of pressure, stress and more pressure. How am I going to handle this pressure with my blog and how am I going to handle my exam period? Read this blog if you want to know more about this year....

What gifts have I received? | Blog Boost Swap

What gifts have I received? | Blog Boost Swap

20 December 2017 it was finally time. I finally was allowed to open my swap and enjoy the nice gifts. On 16 December it was my birthday and I received my swap on this day. A box with super nice gifts and I immediately wanted to open these gifts, especially because it...