I am a blogger for over three years. It started as a little hobby and I expected I wouldn't spend much time in this. On a certain moment, I wanted to improve my blog more and let it grow even more. Why did I even started blogging and why did I never stop? You read...
Blogging the blog boss
My blog goals for August 2017
This month I am going to work a lot. I want to improve my blog, write a lot of articles and I also want to increase my reach. I have strict goals for myself and I hope I will reach these goals. Curious to my goals? Then read this article! Last month, I didn't publish...
5 reasons why I hate Facebook
Facebook and I have a kind of hate-love relationship. Since I am on Pinterest, I think really different about Facebook en Twitter. With Twitter, I don't have a hate-love relationship yet, but with Facebook, I really have a bad relationship. Facebook really works...
What have I learned from blogging?
On 7 July 2017, my blog turned three years. What did I learn from blogging for three years? Did I become another person or am I still the person who I was three years ago? I will definitely keep on blogging for a long time! Don't care about opinions I get many...
Yes, there is also a person behind a blog
I notice a lot that bloggers don't support each other anymore. Somehow I understand that we support each other less, but it goes too far when you try to put others down. Some don't understand that there is also a person behind a blog. Yes, also bloggers can get hurt....
Without blogging I wasn’t the person I am now
All choices which you have made in your life, are a big part of who you are now. More than two years ago I decided to blog and it made my life so much better. I only see the advantages of blogging and it really is a big part of who I am now. A part of my life Blogging...
Nine apps every blogger needs
I am probably not the only one who uses phones pretty often. I do this daily and that's the reason why I need the right apps. Today I tell you about my favorite blogging apps and what you definitely need. Evernote I just downloaded Evernote, but it is already my...
Dear companies: We don’t give free promotion
Pff.. The companies who think that they can get free promotion everywhere and anywhere. I often get emails from companies who are searching for a cooperation, nice of course. After I got the email, I email the company back where they are interested in and if they have...