Krullend haar? Maak deze 6 fouten niet!

Heb je krullen? Dan ben je hier vast en zeker hartstikke blij mee. Om je krullen mooi te houden, moet jij je haar alleen wel op de juiste manier verzorgen. Dit lijkt vanzelfsprekend, maar helaas gaat het geregeld mis. Wij helpen je graag om je krullende haar in de...

Blogging the blog boss

Why I started blogging

Why I started blogging

I am a blogger for over three years. It started as a little hobby and I expected I wouldn't spend much time in this. On a certain moment, I wanted to improve my blog more and let it grow even more. Why did I even started blogging and why did I never stop? You read...

My blog goals for August 2017

My blog goals for August 2017

This month I am going to work a lot. I want to improve my blog, write a lot of articles and I also want to increase my reach. I have strict goals for myself and I hope I will reach these goals. Curious to my goals? Then read this article! Last month, I didn't publish...

5 reasons why I hate Facebook

5 reasons why I hate Facebook

Facebook and I have a kind of hate-love relationship. Since I am on Pinterest, I think really different about Facebook en Twitter. With Twitter, I don't have a hate-love relationship yet, but with Facebook, I really have a bad relationship. Facebook really works...

What have I learned from blogging?

What have I learned from blogging?

On 7 July 2017, my blog turned three years. What did I learn from blogging for three years? Did I become another person or am I still the person who I was three years ago? I will definitely keep on blogging for a long time! Don't care about opinions I get many...

Yes, there is also a person behind a blog

Yes, there is also a person behind a blog

I notice a lot that bloggers don't support each other anymore. Somehow I understand that we support each other less, but it goes too far when you try to put others down. Some don't understand that there is also a person behind a blog. Yes, also bloggers can get hurt....

Without blogging I wasn’t the person I am now

Without blogging I wasn’t the person I am now

All choices which you have made in your life, are a big part of who you are now. More than two years ago I decided to blog and it made my life so much better. I only see the advantages of blogging and it really is a big part of who I am now. A part of my life Blogging...

Nine apps every blogger needs

Nine apps every blogger needs

I am probably not the only one who uses phones pretty often. I do this daily and that's the reason why I need the right apps. Today I tell you about my favorite blogging apps and what you definitely need. Evernote I just downloaded Evernote, but it is already my...

Dear companies:  We don’t give free promotion

Dear companies: We don’t give free promotion

Pff.. The companies who think that they can get free promotion everywhere and anywhere. I often get emails from companies who are searching for a cooperation, nice of course. After I got the email, I email the company back where they are interested in and if they have...