Last week I wrote about my first two days in Granada. Amazing days, but not so amazing as this day. The third day in Granada we’ve visited the Alhambra. When you ever visit Granada, then you definitely need to put this on a list. So beautiful to see.
The road to the Alhambra was really dangerous for clumsy little girls. We walked on a really steep hill. On the sides of this hill were two little rivers. It was a bit wet and slippery on the road, but normal people can handle this of course. I heard behind me ‘Watch out, it is slippery’, but I walked full of passion on the hill. I thought, when I am the first on the top of the hill, then I can relax a bit and enjoy the view. I walked full of passion, super fast and there I went, almost grinded on the streets again. Since then I pay attention a bit more, when the road is wet. I wanted to be the first one who reached the top of the hill haha.
We needed to wait a bit, until we could get inside, but this went pretty fast fortunately. I already had my camera in the hand and I’ve made a couple of nice pictures. We needed to put our bag on our stomach, where I was a bit amazed about. The Dutch couple behind me, needed to laugh a bit because of my reaction.
Oh, I was so excited. Once inside I got really interesting information from Ramón. Instead of the history books, this really got my attention. I didn’t make many pictures of the inside. because here was really bad lighting. This way you only got a bad image of the Alhambra and that is not the meaning of course.
In the inside of the Alhambra were a lot of windows. Out of these windows you could see the beautiful view of whole Granada. I thought this was already beautiful to see, but what I saw later, was more beautiful.
When I saw this beautiful building, I thought I arrived in Disneyland. I almost wanted to sing a couple of Disney songs, but it is a bad plan to let me do that. Ramón still told us some really interesting things, but sometimes I didn’t really get my attention and the beautiful buildings did.
It is still beautiful to see, what story hides behind these beautiful buildings and landscapes. The Alhambra was for example a old city and that’s why the Alhambra is very big. So big that we walked seven hours here, but that is a story for later.
It was around 27 degrees, but I didn’t really notice this. Only on the way to the Alhambra I was a bit sweaty, but that is it. Inside it was really cool and outside I could handle it as well. I didn’t bring much water, but you could fill this at a tap. First I looked how others did this and I looked if you could drink the water. The faces showed, that the water wasn’t that nice, so I skipped this.
Meet Bettie and Hettie. I thought they sat so cute next to each other. I first didn’t see the two little frogs being in the pond. Actually, I didn’t even see the pond in the middle of the road. That would be horrible, when you walk in the middle of this pond. Poor camera.
After a while we went to see the view from an higher point. We needed to climb a couple of small stairs, what was really cool. We stood on a wall and from there we could see the whole city. On the second picture you could see a maze. This wasn’t a maze said Ramón, but here stood some really awesome houses. Imagine, so many little houses and there lived people.
Finally we came on the highest point and wow, what was that beautiful damn. I think this photo doesn’t even show how beautiful this view was. I made too many pictures and I tried to choose the best picture.
It is of course time for a couple of flowers. You really have to know how many nature here was. We needed to walk really fast through these flowers, because we suddenly were in a hurry. “Celine! Pay attention for the couple of stairs”. Of course I almost fell down again. Fortunately almost ;).
When I see these amazing photos, then I want to go back to Granada so bad. Especially the beautiful nature and the Alhambra were so beautiful. We didn’t even see everything from the Alhambra, because then we needed to go back the next day.
After a long day walking of around seven hours, we finally arrived at the exit of the Alhambra. Ramón thought it was funny to make us wet with water, but this wasn’t that bad (if I didn’t have a camera in my hand!). The walk of seven hours was definitely worth it. When you ever visit Granada, then don’t forget to visit the Alhambra. Is was so worth it!
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