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A galaxy necklace?!

Written by Celine

16 januari 2017

I think that I am a little addicted with crystals. I am obsessed by this and I can’t have enough crystals. When I got an e-mail from Happiness Boutique, I was immediately enthusiastic. I saw a huge amount of necklaces with crystals in it. I’ve chosen for an amazing galaxy necklace and I am very happy with it.

The necklace

This is the necklace. On the picture above you don’t see the galaxy part pretty clear, but you can already see how beautiful this necklace is. The necklace has two other small crystals. First I wasn’t a big fan of this, but when you look further you see that these little crystals suit pretty good with the bigger crystal.

I am secretly in love with this necklace. The reason for this, is because I never came across this kind of necklace. Most of the time I see those plane necklaces without glitters or anything in it. I can combine this necklace perfectly with a choker or another small necklace.

The necklace costs 18 euros and that’s a pretty big price. I saw other necklaces with crystals and these had a lower price. Of course there are a lot for a higher price, but I wouldn’t pay that much for a necklace. I think a price of ten euros is enough for me.

For my length, the necklace is way too long. I think I am going to make him a bit shorter. I hope it will be a bit shorter and then it will look pretty.

Practical information

  • This necklace is nickel and lead-free.
  • The necklace is 75 cm long.

With the code thebeautyboulevard  you get a discount of 10% on an order over 19 euros. This webshop also works with free delivery, so that’s pretty nice! 


I am Celine. Enthusiastic, passionated and a bit perfectionistic, but I especially love blogging. Sharing my beauty and fashion tips was always something I loved to do. Go to my about me page to get to know me.

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