Studying is hard of course, but you definitely need it to get a nice job. This is why I am going to start with the study communication and information studies at a university in Amsterdam. I have gathered a couple of tips how you can study better. I am also going to use these tips to graduate.
Tips to study better
Studying with a realistic schedule
This is a pitfall I often make. Making a realistic schedule. My next test week is in March, but I have already made a nice schedule to survive this test week.
Making summaries in pieces
I know it, keeping up with your schedule is hard. Still, it is easier to make your summaries in pieces. Imagine, needing to make a suofy from a whole book in a couple of days. You can better spread this over a couple of weeks, so you won’t get bored easily.
Stuvia is really my motivation to make summaries and besides that, I sometimes buy documents on there. On Stuvia you can place your own summaries to sell them to other people. A really handy site!
Markers are your best friend. Did you know that by marking you can understand the things you need to learn and besides that, you can focus better? I really love to use yellow markers.
Learn with intervals
On my phone, I have an app called BeFocused. A very handy app where you can set in how many intervals you need to finish and when you want to get a break. I am definitely going to use this app when I need to study for my tests. Then I get a notification when I need to take a break or when I need to start again. No procrastination anymore.
Which tips have you already used to study better?
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